Full Legal Name
Must match your Government issued Photo ID as required by public health. Please bring your ID to your appointment.
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
You must be 18+ to get tattooed at Coach House Collective.
Phone number
Email Address
Is this your first tattoo?
Do you have any heart conditions?
No I do not
High Blood Pressure
Low Blood Pressure
Other - please clarify below.
Do you have Epilepsy?
No I do not
Yes, but it is managed and stable
Yes, but my condition is not stable
Have you ever experienced any of the following issues with your skin?
Keloid scarring, including from getting tattooed or piercings
Currently have a skin rash anywhere on the body
Current moles, acne or sunburn on the tattoo area
None of the above
Do you have any blood disorders, diseases or viruses including:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
None of the above
Do you have any other health concerns your artist should be aware of ?
Are you pregnant or nursing?
Covid19 Precautions:
I have been social distancing, I wear a mask when I leave my home.
I have received at least one dose of a Covid19 vaccine
I have not travelled outside Canada recently; or I have travelled outside Canada but completed a 2 week quarantine.
I have not tested positive for Covid19, nor do I live or work directly with someone who has contracted COVID19
I work in a high risk environment & haven't been vaccinated (example, in locations with high exposure rates and places where social distancing is not in effect: hospital, care home, school)
Are you prone to fainting, dizziness or light headedness?
Are you currently under the influence of any drugs or alcohol?
I understand the process of getting tattooed and feel comfortable that I have asked my artist any questions I may have. I am aware that feeling dizzy or fainting during the tattoo procedure is not uncommon and I consent for my artist, or other staff present, to assist me if I lose consciousness with no liability to the staff or persons involved.
Yes I consent
No I do not consent
I acknowledge it is not reasonably possible for the representatives and employees of this tattoo shop to determine whether I might have an allergic reaction to the pigments or processes used in my tattoo, and I agree to accept the risk that such a reaction is possible.
I understand that tattoos are a permanent procedure, and if I change my mind that removal will not be in any way paid for or facilitated by the studio. To the best of my knowledge I have no medical or mental impairments which could directly or indirectly influence my decision making. I am freely making the decision to get this tattoo, with no feeling of coercion by outside parties or groups.
I realize that variations in color and design may exist between any tattoo as selected by me and as ultimately applied to my body, including changes in healed color, line thickness, natural fading etc.
I understand that if I have any skin treatments, laser hair removal, plastic surgery, hair dye on head tattoos, sunburn or other skin altering procedures, it may result in adverse changes to my tattoo.
I understand that the tattoo studio is an inclusive environment which should be treated with respect. Any behaviour deemed remotely inappropriate, towards staff or clients will not be tolerated. This includes refusal to follow our mask/distancing policies. (Our team reserves the right to terminate your appointment at any time if we have a strong belief that this behavior is occurring. This includes cancelling future appointments)
If you wish to provide clarification, ask me a question or have any requests for accommodations that we can arrrange to make the process more comfortable for you please write them here.
I confirm that all the statements above are true to the best of my knowledge and that I am over the legal age of consent for this procedure that I am agreeing to.