Grey Heart with Folk Art Inspired Floral Details- Flash Design

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Grey Heart with Folk Art Inspired Floral Details- Flash Design


Grey heart with folk art inspired floral details

Price is $300-$450 depending on size being 3-4.5 inches in height.

Swipe through to show examples of the colours chosen combined with a range of skin tones.

Tattoo design will only be tattooed once, minor edits of colours are permitted. The price you are paying for today covers your deposit for this tattoo, approximate final pricing is below. Flash designs can be booked online with no prior consultation, once your deposit is paid I will reach out to you and find a date for your tattoo appointment(s).
Your deposit is deducted from the final price of your tattoo upon completion.
Additional design information is below.

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As always, I will not tattoo this on hands or necks without already heavy tattoo coverage and at my discretion. Please include a note of your preferred placement in your cash out and i’ll make a note for your session.

Pricing variants:

Between 3 inches- 4 inches tall; price range is $300 - $350 depending on final size and placement.