Folk Art - Large Scale Concept


Folk Art - Large Scale Concept


Designed to be a large scale concept; full front or back, side of the thigh would also work. Pricing is entirely dependant on sizing; Promotional hourly rate of $160 plus tax for this flash design. Full back would be at least 3 sessions, full front would be more.

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Tattoo design will only be tattooed once, no edits are permitted other than tones of colour.

The price you are paying for today covers your deposit for this tattoo, approximate final pricing is above. Deposit is deducted from the final price of your tattoo upon completion. Flash designs can be booked without a consultation. As always, I will not tattoo this on hands or necks without already heavy tattoo coverage and at my discretion. I will reach out to you after checkout to schedule your tattoo appointment(s) and confirm the placement of your tattoo.

All flash designs are to be tattooed by me only, by purchasing this design it does not permit you to own or reproduce the design, or have the design tattooed by another artist.